
 3 ways to work smarter in MS Office

Hands up if you feel daunted by document formatting in MS Office?

If you raised your hand, you’re not alone.

The frustration knowing that you’ve worked hard on the content for a report or proposal, yet the format and presentation let you down. It’s common, and its avoidable.

Document formatting for the average person takes three hours out of their week. In real terms that’s approximately $4,000 per person, per year, in time, energy, and manpower that could be put to better use in your business.

Imagine where you could reinvest that time if you could have those resources back?

Well, you can. With Ideaseed’s advanced Microsoft Templates.

Automate and accelerate

Symptom: You spend hours on repetitive tasks formatting documents.

Solution: Get smart with MS Office macros, and make it run on autopilot.


Get massive gains in productivity by automating those niggly formatting tasks that are taxing on your time. You can spend forever styling documents to be in line with your brand, such as text, tables, charts and page layouts. Or you can let our automation tools do the heavy lifting, and hey presto, it’s done with the click of a button.

You won’t believe how much our Template Toolkits can simplify how you work. Truly amazing.
Do everything quicker, easier and with peace of mind that it’s all on brand.

Keep it consistent

Symptom: Your marketing collateral is inconsistent and incohesive.

Solution: A suite of corporate templates created to be consistent in design and function.


First impressions count. Put your best foot forward, and get your business collateral looking professional and consistent. Don’t let your sales people present using old, outdated collateral that just looks messy.

You’ve spent a fortune on how your brand looks, so make sure you use its power to full effect across all your business documents.

With Ideaseed templates, we will roll out your brand (and refresh it if you like) across a new suite of document templates, customised to your needs.

Get consistent, and get it done right.

Be uniquely you

Symptom: Your documents look vanilla and don’t have that wow factor.

Solution: Design and build a suite of custom templates that are unique to your brand.


We get it. You want your marketing collateral to stand out, but don’t know where to start.

Every company is different, and there’s no cookie cutter solution. This is why we offer a custom solution to suit your needs.

We can build productivity tools into our templates specifically designed around what is important to you, so you can do what you do better and faster.

We include all your branding, along with any shortcuts you might need from team bios and case studies to specific page layouts – the world is your oyster!

We can even customise training to make sure everyone in your business knows how to use your fancy new templates, and get the most out of them.